The following guide is targeted towards developers / software maintainers who would like to make a provenance entry into the rekor transparency log.

The steps outlined below will show how to sign your software and use the Rekor CLI to make and verify an entry. It uses GPG to demonstrate, but other types are outlined in the Signing and Uploading Other Types page.


You need to have Rekor CLI installed. See the Installation page for instructions.

Sign your release

Before using Rekor, you are required to sign your release. The following example illustrates this using GPG.

You may use either armored or plain binary:

gpg --armor -u --output mysignature.asc --detach-sig myrelease.tar.gz

You will also need to export your public key

gpg --export --armor "" > mypublickey.key

Upload an entry rekor

The upload command sends your public key / signature and artifact URL to the rekor transparency log.

rekor-cli upload --rekor_server --signature <artifact_signature> --public-key <your_public_key> --artifact <url_to_artifact>|<local_path_artifact>

The Rekor command will first verify your public key and signature and download a local copy of the artifact. Then it will validate the artifact signing (no access to your private key is required).

If the validations above pass correctly, the entry will be made to Rekor and an entry URL will be returned:

Created entry at:

This URL contains the UUID entry / merkle tree hash (in the above case b08416d417acdb0610d4a030d8f697f9d0a718024681a00fa0b9ba67072a38b5).

Verify Proof of Entry

The verify command allows you to send a public key / signature and artifact to the Rekor transparency log for verification of entry.

You would typically use this command as a means to verify an ‘inclusion proof’ showing that your artifact is stored within the transparency log.

rekor-cli verify --rekor_server <rekor_url> --signature <artifact-signature> --public-key <your_public_key> --artifact <url_to_artifact>|<local_path_artifact>

Note that alternatively you can use a local artifact path with --artifact.

Get Entry

An entry in the log can be retrieved by using the get command with either the log index or the artifact UUID:

rekor-cli get --rekor_server --log-index <log-index>
rekor-cli get --rekor_server --uuid <uuid>

Log Info

The loginfo command retrieves the public key of the transparency log (unless already declared within the client ~/.rekor/rekor.yaml) and then uses this public key to verify the signature on the signed tree head.

rekor-cli loginfo --rekor_server

If running a redis instance within Rekor, the search command performs a redis lookup using a file or a public key.

This command requires one of an artifact, a public key, or a SHA hash (should be prefixed by sha256:).

rekor-cli search --rekor_server --[artifact|public-key|sha]

For example:

rekor-cli search --rekor_server --sha sha256:e2e90d1a25f90a3156a27f00f3a4179578e3132ed4f010dc3498d09175b6071a